E-mail deliveries are currently stalled, we are looking into this issue.
The new VITO ICT framework agreement "Open Source" is now available in the application.
To get access as a buyer you will need to upload the necessary accession documents.
Sellers will need to be invited by a VITO administrator to participate in the framework agreement.
For more information, please contact the helpdesk.
Note: buyers that took part in the system early after the release date of the application
(October 2023) will also have to move their accession documents, confidentiality statements and organization statutes
files to the correct fields.
The application now has a new title "VITO ICT Framework Agreements".
Below you will find a brief summary of the features included with this new framework agreement. A more detailed explanation
will be available in the documents section soon.
The mini competition feature for a request differs from a ICT Infra 2023 request. A buyer will be able to choose one
of the framework agreements when creating a request. When choosing "Open Source" the buyer should select 3 sellers
that may participate in the request. A lot should not be chosen in this case as Open Source does not apply lots.
When creating an offer for a Open Source request, the seller will have to provide a license and service cost.
The total cost will be calculated using both these fields + the service costs multiplied by the management margin.
A total cost score will be calculated based on the lowest cost offer (identical with ICT Infra 2023). The technical
score will fully be determined by the buyer. Both aspects will have a scale of /50 with a total score of /100. Winning
and losing offers will be determined.
Both sellers and buyers will receive a notification when they are granted access to the Open Source framework agreement.
Including new organizations and existing ones.
E-mail notifications now frequently show which framework agreement a notification is related to.
All grids now show which framework agreement a data row is related to. You can activate this column by using the
table options.
The lots page is now transformed to the "Framework Agreements" page. Aside from showing your active ICT Infra 2023 lots,
the page now also shows the Open Source framework agreement when active for your organization. As with the lots, you can
quickly filter your Open Source requests using this page.
VITO administrators can now determine which framework agreements a certain seller will have access to after invitation.
Buyers can specify which framework agreements they would like to participate in when registering. Uploading accession
at this time is required.
The documents overview page now shows which framework agreement a document is related to.
As a buyer you can now configure the technical requirements an offer will be scored on. 1-5 Technical requirements
should be specified: description and max score should be determined.
For ICT Infra 2023 requests the technical requirements will be prefilled with the default requirements.
A total max score of 50 or 60 is required for Open Source and ICT Infra 2023 requirements respectively.
Validation of request forms has been improved. Validation errors will be shown iteratively which will greatly improve
The seller brand classifications page is now more performant and will be validated correctly when adjustments are made
by a VITO administrator.
We continue to improve the automatic testing framework. E.g. we can now perform end-to-end tests more quickly by using
parallel testing on multiple browsers. Tests are more inclusive.
Several bug fixes have been applied with regards to
You can now enable two factor authentication for your user. Which will greatly improve the security of your account.
On the profile page you can activate this feature, download an authenticator app, scan the QR code and enter the code
verifier to confirm the activation.
At the moment this feature is optional, but we plan to make it mandatory in future releases.
We have made some structural changes on how the request and offer data is stored. This implies a great improvement on
the performance of the requests grid/table and its sorting and filtering capabilities.
The scoring table now includes an identifier at the start of the grid. ID "T1" - "T5" is shown at each technical property.
When performing 3 failed login attempts, your user will be locked. Prior to this change would have to manually contact our helpdesk to
release your user. Now, you can unlock your user by using the "Forgot password" functionality. After setting a new password
your user will implicitly be unlocked.
We have improved our automatic testing capabilities. Doing so, we can better ensure application quality.
When exporting your filtered requests to Excel using the requests table/grid. Sometimes an error occured when the column
"won offer value" was shown. This has been fixed.
When applying a filter on the request status in case you are a seller, the filter was not applied correctly.
This has been fixed.
The application is now translated to both Dutch and French.
You can easily switch between languages using the selection on the top right of the page.
Each user has a new "preferred language" setting on its profile page. This setting will determine
the used language when sending e-mail notifications and more. Initially all users will have its
preferred language set to English. When navigating in another language than English you will be
asked to also change your preferred language (after login, or language switch).
The addresses (URL's) now also include the current language ("en", "nl", "fr"), old URL's will keep
working as expected. When using a link from a previously sent e-mail notification, a saved bookmark
or by any other means, you will be redirected to the new URL including your last used language.
When using links including a different language than your last used language, you will be asked to
switch to the same page using your last used language.
A new and automatic testing framework has been implemented which will help both development and
application quality.
You now only have 3 attempts to log in, where after your user will be locked for 4 hours. As we
are aware of the sensitive data included in this application we want to align security policies
with the standards VITO policies.
Detailed information about the framework can now be found in the "documents" section.
A list is shown including uploaded documents regarding the ICT framework agreement,
plots, designated sellers and more.
All sellers are now able to create (partial or whole) deliveries for their offers.
Please complete these deliveries A.S.A.P. as it is important data for reporting on spent budget
and finalizing this financial quarter.
These pages have been improved.
You can navigate through these pages using the convenient dropdown by clicking on your name
in the top right of the page.
A user can now be invited to multiple organizations. Such users can easily switch the active
organization by using the link shown in the profile dropdown mentioned above.
An administrator can now simulate a user and organization. Doing so will show exactly what
the user would see. This is specifically useful for testing purposes, but can also be used
to provide basic support.
When simulating a user and organization an administrator cannot perform any actions
on behalf of this user.
E-mail notification will no longer impact application performance, they will be sent by
another process. Generally your actions will be handled faster, e-mail delivery times will
hardly be impacted.
Aside from dates, now also times are shown (e.g. "10:00 AM")
Due to the bugs listed below and the fixes we made, we had to reset your local requests grid configuration.
This means that you will have to reconfigure your grid (e.g. which columns to show, which filters to apply).
When no one participated for a request, the buyer can now change the submit by date.
An e-mail will be sent to all sellers to notify them of this change.
Cost scores are now rounded up to 2 decimals. Previously, these were rounded to the nearest integer.
Won offers will be chosen accordingly (when finishing a future request, requests that are already awarded
will not be touched).
Company details shown on the request / offer pages now include the VAT / business number,
the address of the organization. This information will initially be collapsed, and can be expanded.
All sellers can now choose to submit an offer using their "own brand".
The release log now includes a navigation bar, to navigate to previous releases and show their logs.
Note: you can click the current release version on the bottom right of each page to open the release logs.
When a buyer is scoring the made offers for his request, but does not immediately finish scoring all offers,
it occurred that an offer was marked as "winning" or "losing" for a short time. While this status is accurate
for the moment, it was confusing for the sellers.
Thus, we removed this status for sellers, but kept this status for buyers.
As the year 2023 is coming to its end, the copyright notation on the bottom of the page will now
adjust dynamically.
During development e-mail delivery may be disabled. A notification will be shown on top of all pages
whenever this is the case. This should however never happen on the production environment.
Admin pages have been improved. Administrators can now thoroughly search through organizations as they
would search requests. Approval / denial process now uses the same generic templates for showing
organization data.
Your table settings will be stored in your browser. This means
you won’t have to reconfigure the table every time you visit or
refresh the page. Feel free to adjust the column sizes and arrange
them in a way that best suits your needs.
We’ve introduced a new feature that allows you to switch to a
larger view mode on the requests page. Activating this mode will
enable you to display more columns and information on your screen.
You now have the ability to select cells within the table by
clicking or by dragging your mouse. Once selected, you can easily
copy these cells to your clipboard. This feature provides a quick
and efficient way to copy information directly from the table.
We’ve added more columns for your convenience: create time,
searchable key for each request, end submissions date passed. You
have the flexibility to show or hide these columns as per your needs
by configuring the requests grid. This allows you to customize the
information displayed to suit your preferences.
You can now define filters on the top of the grid (previously, you
needed to navigate through the menu to find them).
A row now only takes one line of text, when the text overflows the
width/height a tooltip will be shown with the full text.
You can now configure the used page size: 5, 10, 20 or 50.
When all sellers have acted on a request, or the submissions date has passed,
a buyer can now request a BAFO. A popup will appear wherein the buyer can specify
for which sellers he wants to request a last offer.
End submissions date will not interfere with the general status of a request.
Thus, you will always see an accurate status for your request.
A new status is introduced: Draw. When a request is draw, meaning that all scored
offers have the same score, the buyer can no longer finish the request. He will need
to determine a winner by changing the scores or requesting a best-and-final-offer.
A new status is introduced: Did not react. When a seller did not react on a request,
and the request has ended, this new status will be shown.
Buyers will now be able to see deprecated offers for historical purposes.
When registering, the VAT / business number no longer needs to be unique.
You can now register multiple organizations with the same VAT / business number.
Also, 3 new mandatory attachment fields are introduced: confidentiality statements,
accession documents, organization statutes.
Calendar weeks now start on Monday instead of Sunday.